Sunday 30 December 2007

My Journey

I want this blog to be a way of looking at the big questions that come up between christianity and feminism, so I can try and find some answers. And even if I don't find any concrete answers, there is joy in the journey. This last year has been one of those years where, if this were the 70s, I would say that 'my feminist conscience was raised'. And my feminst beliefs are hugely important to me, but if I'm honest, they will definatly always come second to my commitment to following Jesus. But I'm fairly sure that the two are not incompatible, I love Jesus and I'm definatly a feminist, which is proof enough for me! In fact, I believe I'm a feminist BECAUSE I follow Jesus, and not despite of it, hopefully I'll be able to explain that on this blog.

I don't know exactly how I'm going to do this, journeys aren't usually clear cut, usually there are lots of long way rounds and long periods of being stuck in bogs, but I do want to try. One of the things I would like to do is have a look at some of the amazing christian women whose faith has inspired them to do world changing things. In a religion where women are often in the shadows its important to show that we are here and we are bringing in the kingdom!